Seven Items to Include In Your Style Event Invitation

Seven Items to Include In Your Style Event Invitation

Launching a marketing campaign for an upcoming event can be exciting. You’ve got your graphics prepared, witty social media captions ready, and your emails scheduled. The only thing left to do is finalize the digital invitation.

There are numerous event ticketing platforms out there, but the ideal (and most commonly used) platform seems to be Eventbrite. Regardless of the platform you choose, there are a few key items of information that need to be included in your invitation to ensure your followers/customers have all the information they need to decide whether they want to attend.

Event Description

The event description is a simple and general overview of why you’re hosting the event. Is it a launch party, fashion show, trunk show, or pop-up event? Give your potential guests a reason to add the event to their calendars. No need to be formal. Develop your copy as if you were sharing the details with your best friend.

Event Hashtag

An event hashtag is optional, but it may help you track your user-generated content on your social channels before, during, and after the event. Keep it simple though; people can’t use a hashtag if they can’t remember it.

Event Schedule

An event schedule isn’t super important for smaller networking events where people are just mingling for a few hours, but if you plan on including guest speakers, panel discussions, video viewings, tours, etc., a detailed schedule is key. Give people an idea of when they need to arrive to prevent them from not arriving at all due to lack of information.

Commuting Info

If you’re not familiar with the hosting venue, make sure to ask about the parking situation. Is there a parking garage or lot nearby? How much does it cost to park there? Is parking validation available?

If parking isn’t available, be sure to suggest nearby transit stations or rideshare options like Uber or Lyft. Additionally, make sure to include information about specific venue entrances/exits and suite numbers.

Pro Tip: Set up your event with Uber or Lyft to share ride codes for your guests. Many of your attendees will most likely use a rideshare app to get to your event so a $5 credit to attend can be an additional perk for them to enjoy.


Always include a list of general questions attendees might have regarding your event. This may be the one thing holding them back from reserving or purchasing a ticket. Here are a few examples:

Can I attend if I’m not a member? Obviously, this one doesn’t need to be included if your company/organization doesn’t have members. However, if your event is targeted towards a specific group of people, you may want to set the event to private and make a note that it’s a “members-only” or “Invite-only” event.

Do I need to print my ticket? Determine your check-in process before confirming the answer to this question. Will team members be on-site with a paper list of attendees or will guests be checked in electronically?

Pro Tip: If your event is hosted on Eventbrite, download the Eventbrite Check-In app to keep track of your ticket sales and attendees. There’s an amazing feature that allows you to check in guests with just one swipe. Say goodbye to entrance congestion!

Will tickets be available at the door? Don’t leave money or empty seats on the table. Make sure you have a quick and simple way to accept payments on-site.

Should I bring anything with me? Always suggest bringing a friend along to the event. Guests are more likely to attend if they have someone with them. Also, be mindful of your event activities. Items like business cards, portfolios, or notebooks may be essential for your guests to make the most of their event experiences.

Are the tickets refundable? Figure out your refund policy before you start sharing details about your event. It’s best to have a clear explanation of your refund policy upfront so you can avoid going back and forth with people on this issue down the line.

Pro Tip: If you’ve set your event as non-refundable, check to see if your event management platform allows the ability to transfer tickets to future events. This is a great option for guests who are unable to attend one event but would still like to attend future events.

What if all tickets are reserved before I can RSVP? If tickets are limited and sell out quickly, make sure to open a waitlist. That way, if you’re notified that a ticketed guest can’t attend, you can transfer their ticket to a future event and open up that spot for someone on the waitlist. Everybody wins!

Contact Info

This could be the most obvious item to include, but you’d be surprised at how often brands forget to include it in their invitations. Share your event manager’s name and work/professional email address. Phone numbers and social links are optional.

Sponsor/Partner Info

Create a list of companies that helped you organize your event, including the venue, guest speakers, sponsors, media outlets, PR firms, vendors, etc. Be sure to include a short bio and photo/logo for each. This gives your collaborators peace of mind knowing that they’re getting proper credit for their contribution to the event.

The goal of beefing up your invitation is to ensure that your guests have all the information they need before confirming their attendance. If people have too many questions regarding your event, they will be less likely to RSVP or purchase a ticket. Plus, including as much information as possible gives off a better impression of professionalism for your brand.


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Which ticketing platform do you use for your events and what do you like/dislike about it?


Sable Williams

Sable Lynn is a dancer and choreographer, based in Seattle, WA. When she’s not dancing, she’s either sweating on her Peloton, planning her next trip, or taking a nap.

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