Navigating Local Market Events for Your Fashion Brand

Navigating Local Market Events for Your Fashion Brand

Do you have dreams of opening your own boutique one day? Or signing a lease on that perfectly sized retail space downtown with the amazing foot traffic? Obviously, you have dreams of expanding your fashion brand, but how do you know if your business can sustain a physical space?

A good place to start may be participating in a local market event. These types of events are great for independent entrepreneurs who are interested in testing their products in a physical retail environment before taking the plunge into signing a lease for their own storefront. Plus, they’re an amazing tool to increase your social media following and sales.

Here are a few quick tips to keep in mind when planning out your brand’s market event schedule:

  • Be mindful of vendor deadlines as they may be set months before the actual event. Set calendar reminders to ensure that all of your information (and fees) are submitted on time.

  • Keep an updated market event schedule on your website. This is great if you’re an online business. Creating opportunities for you to meet potential customers in person is a great way to start building customer loyalty.

  • Don’t rely on the event producer to promote your brand for you. Develop your own digital marketing campaign to get your audience out to the event.

  • Make sure your POS system devices are updated. Check their connectivity to the Wi-Fi, complete a test purchase, and make sure your inventory is up-to-date. And don’t forget the chargers!

  • Highlight an exclusive offer for market shoppers. Encourage people to stop by your booth with an event-specific offer or discount.

  • If you sell out of items at the event, encourage customers to make an online purchase on the spot and have their items shipped to them.

  • Invite local influencers to visit your booth. Get your pieces in front of a larger audience when they stop by to create social media content featuring pieces from your collection.

  • Share quick access to your brand’s mailing list. Create a QR code or keep a pen a paper at your booth for people to sign up for your mailing list if they’re interested in your brand, but aren’t motivated to purchase yet.

  • Don’t skimp on packaging. It’s the perfect time to invest in packaging so when customers purchase from you at the market, they’ll turn into a walking billboard for your brand.

  • Visit other booths and introduce yourself. If there’s time before an event starts or when things are winding down, do a lap and say hello to the other vendors. You might just stumble on a future collaboration opportunity.

  • And finally, pack snacks and water to stay hydrated. Market events can last a long while so make sure you have snacks and plenty of water on deck to keep your energy up when meeting all of your new customers.

During the market events you participate in, be sure to make note of feedback from market shoppers. Keep track of how many people shopped at your booth vs. how many actually made a purchase; what items got the most attention; and if any potential customers were turned off by any of the pieces.

See you at the market!


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Have you participated in a market event before? If so, share your experience.


Sable Williams

Sable Lynn is a dancer and choreographer, based in Seattle, WA. When she’s not dancing, she’s either sweating on her Peloton, planning her next trip, or taking a nap.

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