Six Steps to Successfully Promote Your Next Pop-Up Shop

Six Steps to Successfully Promote Your Next Pop-Up Shop

Regardless of the season, it’s always a good time to host a pop-up shop. But if you’re hesitant to organize one for fear of slow traffic and sales, feel free to use these tips to get the word out to your audience and encourage them to shop with you.

These steps work for both online and in-person events so don’t let your lack of resources for finding a physical location halt you from hosting a profitable pop-up event.

Create a Free Event on Eventbrite

If you’re a small brand with a small following, it’s a great idea to use a marketplace-style platform to promote your events. Event is one of the largest event marketing platforms online that allows its users to search for events they’re interested in attending. So be sure to provide all of the details about your pop-up event, like the location, shopping hours, and parking information if you’re hosting a store event.

Co-Host Your Pop-Up with a Complementary Brand

Collaborate with other brands to further increase the audience for your pop-up. For example, if you’re selling your latest ready-to-wear collection, invite a local jewelry or handbag designer to sell their collection at the event. Style a quick photo shoot and share the content on your social channels to show how the brands work together.

Write a Blog Post

Share details about your pop-up. Explain why you’re hosting the event, what you’re selling, the design inspiration behind your most popular products, any special offers, and why your audience should attend. Include any high-resolution photos and links to product pages so customers will have a better idea of what to expect during their shopping trip.

Post Frequently to Your Instagram Stories

Avoid annoying your followers with too many grid posts and take advantage of the Instagram stories feature to remind your audience about your upcoming event. Of course, share your pop-up event details to your grid with creative images and video, but share the bulk of your details in your stories to prevent followers from feeling overwhelmed or like they’re constantly being sold to.

Create a series of eye-catching story graphics that share photos of products for sale and behind-the-scenes video clips of your team setting up for the event. It’s also a good idea to post to your stories during the pop-up to allow your audience to see how people interact with you and your brand.

Create an Email Sequence to Send to Your Subscribers

A few email examples include an event announcement, your featured products with customer reviews, an exclusive discount offer, highlights of any complementary brands you’re collaborating with, and last-minute event details like location, hours, parking, and payment methods. Make sure each email has a call-to-action button that links back to your website or Eventbrite page for them to RSVP.

Promote an Instagram Post Featuring Your Pop-Up Details

This last one is optional, but if you notice that one of your posts is getting a good amount of engagement, try promoting it a few days before your pop-up event. Make sure the ad links to your Eventbrite page for potential customers to RSVP. And also make sure to review the engagement on your ad, adjust your spending accordingly and respond promptly to any questions/comments on the post.

When it comes to marketing your events on your digital channels, one piece of content just isn’t gonna cut it. Incorporating these tasks into your strategy will ensure that your audience has frequent reminders of your upcoming events and will be ready to shop with you.


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Sable Williams

Sable Lynn is a dancer and choreographer, based in Seattle, WA. When she’s not dancing, she’s either sweating on her Peloton, planning her next trip, or taking a nap.

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