Nordstrom Fall 2018 Beauty Trend Show

I don't know a lot about makeup. My first experience with it was playing around with my grandma's blue eye shadow palette when I was a freshman in high school. Looking back, that makeup was probably super old, but I thought I looked cool enough to wear it to school for about a week. I must have looked crazy walking down the halls with this random blue eye shadow on my eyelids. It was only a few weeks later, in the girls' locker room after P.E. of course, that I learned the basics of how to apply makeup.

Not much has changed in the last fifteen years, aside from building loyalties to specific brands and my stance on using makeup to enhance my features instead of caking it all over my face to completely change my look. I am, however, thankful that Nordstrom hosts a Beauty Trend Week twice a year so I can stay current on all things beauty. Throughout the week, customers are encouraged to set up appointments with their favorite brands in the beauty department to learn about all the new products, some exclusive to Nordstrom for a limited time.

The week usually ends with a Beauty Trend Show, hosted by Joelle Russo, Nordstrom Regional Beauty Director. Customers are invited to purchase a $20 Nordstrom gift card to attend an early-morning (like 8 am early) life presentation of the top new products featuring representatives from brands like Jo Malone, Beauty Bio, Bobbi Brown, La Mer, MAC Cosmetics, Diptique, Chanel, and many more. Along with the presentations, models showcase the latest in fall (or spring) fashion, dressed in looks available to purchase in the store. There are also raffle giveaways throughout the presentation handed out by some very handsome men, courtesy of TCM Models.

I just happened to win the first treat of the morning: a Moroccan Amber Nest Fragrances candle (which now has me seriously considering re-decorating my entire apartment). Other giveaways included a Drybar Blow-Dryer, a Dyson Supersonic Hair Dryer, and new makeup products from other brands. After the show, guests are invited downstairs to the beauty department to try and purchase the products. Since there was a lot of commotion downstairs, I thought it would be best to save my gift card to use on another day. Maybe I'll set up an appointment with Esteé Lauder soon and get digitally matched for a new foundation.

If you're interested in attending the spring show next year, check the Nordstrom website around March. I usually attend the show in Bellevue, however, similar events are hosted in many of their locations.


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